2020: 64 Lessons from 64 Books

Leander Märkisch
4 min readJan 31, 2021


Books expand your knowledge and let you escape your prison of thoughts. Capture the main learnings within minutes, not days.

Photo by Dollar Gill on Unsplash

Only a few people have the opportunity to exchange in-person with the shapers of past and present. Books provide an excellent way to learn from world-class thinkers in a structured way.

Coming up with a one-sentence lesson from a several hundred-page book was challenging, but a fantastic way for reflection. All of the books were read cover to cover, no summaries. There is no specific order. As we all perceive reality differently, the lessons I took from the books might wildly deviate from yours. If you do not agree, that’s fine. Actually I read 82 books, but 18 novels do not count.

My personal top 10 books are marked with * at the beginning. Enough talking, let’s jump into the lessons!

  1. The Happiness Advantage — Happiness leads to success, not the other way.
  2. Die Flüchtlingsrevolution — Human traffickers operate in network-driven organizations.
  3. Prisoners of Geography — Environment shapes culture.
  4. *The Courage to Be Disliked — All problems are interpersonal relationship problems.
  5. *Lifespan: Why We Age — There is no biological limit to our age.
  6. Essentialism — Do less, but better.
  7. The Hard Thing About Hard Things — Be clear on what you want, get it done by others.
  8. The Richest Man in Babylon — Invest 10% of everything you make.
  9. *Mastery — Combine intuition with rationality to perform at peak.
  10. 21 Lessons for the 21st Century — The human mind wants to worry.
  11. The Goal — Think in constraints (time, cost and quality).
  12. Let My People Go Surfing — Do what you love, money will follow.
  13. Wer den Wind sät — US interventions caused the Middle East conflict.
  14. Die den Sturm ernten — Good and bad are matters of perspective.
  15. *Hacking Darwin — Accelerate evolution by giving birth to your great-grandchildren.
  16. *Psycho-Cybernetics — Detach yourself from the outcome to perform better.
  17. What I Learned Losing a Million Dollars — Rationality beats emotionality.
  18. The Game — Attraction is psychological, not physical.
  19. *Future Shock —Dramatic change has a negative impact on health.
  20. The Psychedelic Experience — Whenever in doubt, turn off your mind.
  21. The Way of The Iceman — Breath work influences the immune system.
  22. Venture Deals — Ask your VC for references from entrepreneurs.
  23. Getting Real — Copywriting is interface design.
  24. The Four Steps to the Epiphany — Product development in isolation is deadly.
  25. Atomic Habits — Building a habit by making it part of your identity.
  26. Zero to Sold — Anyone can build a bootstrapped SaaS business.
  27. *It Doesn’t Have to Be Crazy at Work — Productivity is not more hours. It’s less waste, distraction, and persistent stress.
  28. Actionable Gamification — Design products around core human drives.
  29. Get Together — Communities need a shared purpose, identity, and responsibility.
  30. Holacracy — Design an organization in circles.
  31. How to Win Friends and Influence People — People are only interested in themselves.
  32. The End of Jobs — Our world becomes more chaotic and requires entrepreneurial thinking to strive.
  33. What You Do Is Who You Are — Culture is behaviour.
  34. Explore Like a Pirate — Turn learning into a game.
  35. *Antifragile —Fixing a system makes it more fragile in the long run.
  36. Steve Jobs — Human biases are useful tool.
  37. The Laws of Human Nature — Become aware of your mortality to experience a taste of true freedom.
  38. The 5 AM Club — Morning exercises increase cognitive performance.
  39. The Bullet Journal Method — Physical note-taking improves mental clarity.
  40. Shape Up — Work in 6-week sprints.
  41. The Black Swan — The bell curve misrepresents real risk potentials.
  42. Der Ernährungskompass — Eat real (unprocessed) food.
  43. Mit Ernährung heilen — Fasting prolongs healthy lifespan.
  44. Factfulness — Our world gets better, we just do not realize it.
  45. *Range — Break-through innovation comes new perspectives on old problems.
  46. The 5 Love Languages — People express sympathy in different way and want to be appreciated with their way.
  47. Flow — Flow is deep enjoyment.
  48. Happiness — Happiness can be learned.
  49. Remote — A one hour meeting with 8 people costs 8 hours work time.
  50. Rework — Plans are harmful. Say no by default.
  51. Stillness Is the Key — Slow down to charge ahead.
  52. The Mind of the Leader — Leadership is about being a servant, not a ruler.
  53. *A Mind for Numbers — Learning happens when toggling between focused and diffused mode.
  54. Homo Deus — Human biology runs on algorithms.
  55. A New U — University degrees are no longer a good value proposition.
  56. Body by Science — Short, intense resistance-training with long regeneration works optimally for muscle-building.
  57. Genius Foods — Food changes the way the brain ages.
  58. Bold — Leverage community for co-creation.
  59. The Cockroach — Kafka in reverse.
  60. Trillion Dollar Coach — Do frequent 1:1s with employees.
  61. Theory of Human Learning —Learning is existential.
  62. Mit 50 Euro um die Welt — Faith beats money in the pursuit of happiness.
  63. Smartcuts — Question the basic assumptions of a problem.
  64. Mastering the VC Game — Understand incentives reduce power imbalance.

You made it!

Which books made you think? Happy to hear what you have learned!

